
How to add bots in goldeneye source
How to add bots in goldeneye source

how to add bots in goldeneye source

If you’re online then it will respond with the same message but how long you’ve been streaming for, for been streaming for 15 secs Want to know more? Using this command if your channel is offline it will display how long you’ve been offline for while tagging the person who triggered the command, for example if I trigger the command it will respond imaflanker has been offline for 11 hours 27 mins For example: !so fgsquared or !so will display the following message in chat. To use this command you type the command in chat followed by a space then the username of the Twitch streamer you want to shout out. I’ve set this command to be able to be used by VIP members or above but you may want to set it to only be used by you or your moderators. This looks more complex than it is in the message as it’s using some variables. My view is that if I’m not playing a game that my viewers are interested in or if I’m offline I’d love those viewers to have a great time in another stream that they will enjoy from our community. One of my most used commands is the shout out command that promotes other streamers from our awesome community that pop by my stream. More CommandsĬreating the rest of our commands all use the exact same steps, to make it easier I’ve included the commands along with the text I’ve used for each command below. If you want to see the commands we’ve added in this guide in action on my channel head to and you’ll be able to test them yourself. Finally we’re going to test our command works on Twitch, you don’t have to be online to test your commands just go to your Twitch channel and select chat and type in your command.

How to add bots in goldeneye source